The south building of Southpark Centre which hold down a prominent location between Calgary Trail and Gateway Blvd. underwent extensive renovations in 2015 after the departure of one of its major anchor tenants. Edmonton’s first Whole Foods grocery store was intended to occupy the renovated space that was formerly a Canadian Tire. Additional buildings in the same style have subsequently been added to the east side of the Southpark Centre site.
This project was designed by Dialog Architecture and utilizes a modular size (3-5/8”D x 2-1/4” H x 7-5/8”L) brick from Sioux City Brick. Dialog selected a variegated red colour called Napa Valley in a velour texture as the main building colour with large accent areas of Sioux City Brick, Ebonite, Velour. A stack bond pattern was used exclusively on both brick colours which lends a contemporary feel to the brick elements. Wood accents were also added to provide a warm contrast to both the red and black brick. Cast stone from Continental Cast Stone in colour 1102 Natural Stone is the base stone around the perimeter of the building and is used as an accent sill. Prestige Masonry Inc. completed this project over the winter of 2015-16 and did an admirable job executing the difficult stack bond pattern under heating and hoarding conditions.