With the expansion of the Bonnybrook WTP, the City of Calgary was looking for a brick match to the existing facilities. With the original building proposed by the city in 1918, the facility has gone through numerous expansions, in 1940, 1954, 1960, 1972, 1980 and 1996. With the new addition in 2013, matching the brick to the various buildings was a challenge. Today one of the original small buildings where men hand-raked screen materials still remains.
Sioux City Brick was able to provide the size, color and finish to blend in with the existing building by choosing a blend or 4 different colors of brick. These were blended at the plant level so that the mason’s only concern would be the laying of brick and not meeting a ratio blend in the field. Sioux City Brick celebrated their 100th Anniversary in 2013 and this project is a feature of what can be accomplished when given the time to resolve the opportunities presented.